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Sarofsky was asked to produce the Title Sequence for the FITC (Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity.) 2020 Conference. We created this art-deco, futuristic-noir, metropolis-inspired piece over the course of one year.
I was a Lead 3D Designer and Animator on the project as well as the Lead Compositor, responsible for creating the look and style of the aesthetic throughout the piece, creating 12 of the scenes within the project from development to delivery.
Production Company: Sarofsky
Directors: Erin Sarofsky, Duarte Elvas
Executive Producer: Steven Anderson
Producer: Kelsey Hynes
Lead Artists: Jake Allen, Matt Miltonberger, Josh Smiertka, Tanner Wickware
Motion Designers: Dan Moore, Ally Munro, Griffin Thompson, Andrew Hyden, Tobi Mattner, Nik Braatz
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